Owner Profile


See Also


This profile defines an Owner and determines how the Owner’s accounts and mailings (statements, distribution checks) are processed.


Only one profile per owner needs to be created even if an owner has a number of units or owns shares in one or more properties. Income and expense transactions are posted to the owner’s ledger based on the unit activity and distributed based on the unit activity and distributions from properties. See Properties vs Separate Owner ID’s for more information on when to set up properties.


Each profile must have a Record ID consisting of an ID (short description) field and a Long Description field which uniquely identifies that profile record.


The owner profile contains permanent and part-time (date sensitive) addresses, phone numbers (regular and part-time), email addresses, rules for distribution of accumulated funds, statement style, check writing rules, accounting procedures.


Categories assigned on the Categories tab let you add flexibility to the reporting and tracking functionality. The Documentation tab provides a means for attaching and cataloging pictures and documents to a profile.


If you will be sending a 1099 then the Send 1099 and Taxpayer ID fields must be filled in. If the owner name field contains other than the owner’s legal name, then the Taxpayer Name should be filled in.

Once entered, only someone with access to the Tax Reporting module will be able to see the Taxpayer ID information. Access to the Tax Reporting module is done through Access Groups.


The owner profile has buttons on the left that will display:

Ledger Payable History - lists all accounts payable transactions from the ledger showing payee, amount, due date

Disbursement History - lists all the disbursements to the owner from the ledger

Ledger Repair History - displays all work orders for units belonging to the ledger