Taxpayer ID




The Owner, Tenant and Vendor profiles contain the Taxpayer ID and Taxpayer Name fields. If no 1099 will be sent these fields do not need to be filled in.


Taxpayer Name

Use this field only if the name on the 1099 will be different from the name entered on the first line of the name and address block. For example, you may list a husband and wife together on the name line of the address block, but the 1099 uses the husband’s name and Taxpayer ID.

Taxpayer ID

The information is hidden. Click in the area of the tax ID to display the information.

Once entered, only someone with access to the Tax Reporting module will be able to see the Taxpayer ID information in the profile. Access to the Tax Reporting module is done through Access Groups.


This field can be in the form of a social security number xxx-xx-xxxx or a tax ID number xx-xxxxxxx.


For an individual or property this field usually contains the social security number in the format xxx-xx-xxxx where x is a number between 0-9, eg. 123-45-6789.


For a company it contains the taxpayer ID in the form xx-xxxxxxx where x is a number between 0-9, eg. 54-1234567.


On all reports containing the Taxpayer ID the leading characters are replaced with X, with only the last 4 digits displayed. So in the above examples, the individual taxpayer ID would display and print as xxx-xx-6789. For the company it would be xx-xxx4567.