System Security


Access Groups


System Security

View Only Access

Prevent Access to One Function


How to PDF document #386 on System Security, Access Groups and Users


An access group identifies the functions that the user has access to and is the means for limiting what a user is allowed to do. An access group is assigned to a user when that user should not have full access to all functions.


The name chosen for the Access Group is assigned to users on the Users tab in System Security.

Function Group

Each major function group is listed. When one is highlighted, the functions for that group are listed under Group Functions.

Group Functions

Each function for the highlighted function group is listed with two circles. One of the circles indicates function access and one indicates transaction access. When the circle is filled in, that function has full access. When the circle is empty that function has no access. If it is partially filled in there is partial access. The functions/transactions that are enabled are listed below. Note that the highlight bar makes the background the reverse shading.

Function Access

Each of the functions can be enabled or disabled.

View Records – view only

Modify Records – view and modify

Insert Records

Delete Records

Full Access

Clicking the Full Access button will mark all checkboxes in Function Access for the highlighted Group Functions and move the selection bar to the next line.


No Access

Clicking the No Access button will unmark all checkboxes in Function Access for the highlighted Group Function and move the selection bar tot he next line. A function marked No Access (none of the checkboxes marked) will not be displayed on the task bar nor listed on the drop down list.

Transaction Access

This feature is not implemented at this time. Use the [Limit to] in Users to limit transaction posting.

Copy to Entire Group

Clicking this button makes every fundtion withing the group the same as the highlighted one.

Copy to All Groups

Clicking this button makes every function in all groups the same as the highlighted one.


NOTE: To give full access and then limit some access, mark one function as full access, highlight it and then click Copy to All Groups. Then remove the access from the desired function.


The buttons let you assign full access or no access to any function or group with just one click.