

Category Examples




Click to see a Help document #294 on some ways to use categories.


Each profile has a Categories tab. Clicking that tab displays all the categories associated with that profile. To see the categories by type, there are folder buttons at the top of the display.


Use the Edit button to modify an existing category or add a new one to the profile. Category entries are listed in the sequence entered within type. To add another category either click in the open area below the last one entered or tab out of the last one entered. To delete a category use the <Ctrl><Delete> key sequence.


The category can be selected from the Find List or a new one can be added using the Folder button.


Qualifier – this field of up to 20 characters can be used for identification purposes.


Effective – the date the category starts for Alerts and Reminders


Expires – date the category ceases for alerts and reminders


Comment – unlimited field for information relating to the category.


Reports to show what categories are available can be found in Reports, Profile Reports – Categories by Id, Categories by Typel