Bank Account History


See Also General Ledger

              Edit a Deposit

              Voiding a Check

              Void and Replace Receipt


This function displays all the transactions posted to each bank account. After choosing the bank account from the Find List of designated bank accounts, the transaction line items will display. The default is to display the previous 60 days of tranactions. For large databases, see History Filters.


Line Items

Each line item shows the date posted, check number, description (payee for checks), Additions (those transactions that increased the bank balance), Subtractions (those transactions that decreased the bank balance), Date Cleared (on a reconciliation).


Summary amounts in the upper right provide current information about the account.


There are seven folders which let you view a specific subset of the line items. In addition, the line items can be filtered, edited, voided and uncleared using the action buttons.


Bank Account

Select one from the Combination box.

Date Range

The default is 60 days. Other selections are on the dropdown list.  That will then update the date range and the transactions.


A custom date range can be selected.



Last Statement

This amount reflects the net of all the cleared transactions for the account. It is the Closing Balance for the last bank statement you reconciled and will show as the Opening Balance the next time you reconcile.

Current Balance

The net of all cleared and uncleared transactions posted to the bank account (including unprinted checks) plus any receipts waiting to be deposited.

Awaiting Deposit

All transactions (receipts) waiting to be deposited. These can be viewed in the Deposit Receipts function. Those items awaiting deposit do not show up as line items in Bank History.

Available Balance

The is the net of all cleared and uncleared transactions posted to the bank account. This includes unprinted checks but does not include receipts awaiting deposit.



Filter - use to find transactions for a particular amount and/or check number.

Edit - to see details of the transactions and change date or memo

Void - transactions can be voided if not already cleared

Unclear - clicking this button will remove the cleared date and change the Last Statement amount by the amount of the transaction.


Void and Replace Receipt

Clicking on the Edit button while a deposit is highlighted will bring up the Edit Deposit Slip screen. All receipts that were part of the highlighted deposit, plus all receipts currently awaiting deposit in Deposit Receipts will be displayed on the screen. See the How to document for Payment Recorded in Error or the How to document on Edit a Deposit.


Clicking on a receipt from the deposit slip will unmark the reciept.

If you then click the Void and Replace button a screen will display warning that a receipt is going to be voided.

If you click OK, the receipt will be voided on the posting date.

The Tenant Receipt screen will display so that the receipt can be re-entered correctly.

Once you post the receipt, you will be returned to the Edit Deposit screen so that the deposit can be reposted. Clicking either Post or Cancel will record the change.




All bank account transactions


All checks, both printed and unprinted. Checks that have posted but not printed are those with no check number.

Other Subtractions

Transactions other than checks that decreased the bank balance, e.g. service charges, NSF items


All deposits posted through Deposit Receipts

Other Additions

Transactions other than deposits that increased the bank balance, e.g. interest earned, bank transfers.


All transactions that have been cleared, generally through a bank reconciliation


All transactions that have not been cleared.