Deposit Receipts


See How to Deposit Receipts Print Deposit Slip

How to PDF document #273 - Record and Deposit Receipts


When payments are posted using the receipts function they need to be consolidated on a deposit slip and posted to the bank account for later bank statement reconciliation. The line items consisting of previously posted receipts need to be marked for deposit, i.e. identified as belonging to the group of receipts that are on a particular deposit slip. Once all the receipts comprising a deposit slip are marked, they can be posted as a single entry deposit transaction to the bank account.


All receipts entered by you that were not previously deposited are displayed when you select the bank account from the Find List. To see receipts entered by others, mark the checkbox Show All Undeposited Receipts. When the receipt is first posted it is automatically marked for deposit.


After selecting the bank account, enter the amount of the deposit in the Total Deposit field. This will fill in the amount in the protected Total Deposit box and compute the difference between the Total Deposit and the Total Marked. Mark or unmark any in order to correspond with your deposit slip amount. The items on your deposit slip should match those that are marked. Deposits can be marked and unmarked either by clicking on the line item or by clicking the Mark All or Start Over button. When those marked add up to the amount of the deposit the Difference will be zero and you can post the deposit. You cannot post a deposit with a difference other than zero.


If the amount of any receipt was posted in an incorrect amount, now is the time to fix it using the Void and Replace Highlighted Receipt button in GL, Deposit Receipts.


Several folders are available displaying different subsets of the receipts.


You can view the undeposited receipt in eithe rascending dollar amount or by payee by date sequence. Radio buttons to set the sort order are below the line items.


Deposit Date

Enter the date the deposit will be made. The deposit amount transaction in the bank account will carry this date.

Show All Undeposited Receipts

Mark this checkbox if you want to see receipts entered by other users.

Bank Account

Choose the bank account from the Find List. The bank account for each receipt was decided at the time the receipt was posted.

Total Deposit

The amount that is going to be deposited. This amount and the Total Marked must equal. The amount entered here also displays in the protected Total Deposit field.


This can be used to indicate a deposit slip number or any special circumstances about the deposit. The memo is part of the Bank History line item and prints on the appropriate bank reports.


This field is available when editing a deposit line item in Bank History.

Protected Fields

Total Marked

A protected field that displays the sum of the marked receipts. Double click in this field to enter it’s amount into the Total Deposit field.

Total Deposit

The amount entered in the Total Deposit field above.


The net of Total Marked and Total Deposit. If the difference is positive, more is marked than the Total Deposit amount. No posting can take place if this field is other than zero.

Buttons at Top

Mark All

This button marks all line items for deposit.

Start Over

This button unmarks all line items.

Void and Replace Highlighted Receipt

Clicking on one of the line items and clicking this button will produce a warning screen detailing what is about to take place. Clicking OK will return you to the receipt screen where you can make whatever changes are needed. Click Post after making the changes to return to the Deposit Slip screen. This function is used when correcting a payment recorded in error.

Edit Highlighted Receipt

Highlighting a line item and clicking this button will take you to the edit receipt screen where you can change the date, void the transactions, add a memo, mark the receipt as currency and find out what was paid off with the receipt.

Disable Marking When Row Clicked

Mark this checkbox if you want to edit or void a number of receipts.


The default sort is by amount, in ascending sequence. Click the Radio Button to Sort by Date. The number of receipts marked for deposit is displayed on the right. When printing the deposit slip, one deposit slip can include up to 26 receipts. If more than 26 are marked, additional slips are printed without the MICR line.


Buttons at Bottom


Display help for this function.

Print Screen

Send a copy of the screen to the default printer.


Post and return to function to process another deposit.


Clicking this button will print a report of the marked receipts. This report is sorted in descending dollar amount sequence, with cash transactions following the check transactions.


Clicking this button will print a deposit slip. The deposit slip includes the bank MICR line. It uses a perforated form that prints the deposit slip on the top portion and details on the bottom portion. Up to 26 receipts can be listed on each sheet. If more than 26 receipts are on a deposit, additional sheets of deposit slip/details are printed. Only page 1 of the form contains the MICR line.


The MICR information is entered for each bank account in Setup, Account Codes on the MICR Check Setup tab. It normally consists of the bank routing number and your account number. Use a bank deposit slip as your guide to setting up the deposit slip MICR band. The MICR font must be installed and MICR toner must be used if your bank does not use optical readers. (Most banks use optical readers for their deposit slip processing, so it may not be necessary to use a printer with magnetic toner.)


Information on the deposit slip includes the Bank & Branch block and the Return Address block from the MICR check setup tab in the account code for the bank. If there is no data entered on that tab, the information on the deposit slip comes from the Setup, Company profile.


PROMAS keeps track of the printer used to print deposit slips and defaults to the last one used by that workstation.


Deposit slip forms can be purchased by calling PROMAS Forms at 877-749-2021 or click on the Links dropdown and choose the check ordering form.