History Filters


Also see the Help Document #743

Tenant History, Vendor History, Work Order History – always display all records


Receipt History, Invoice History, Check History, GL History, Bank Account History – display records based on the following parameters:

Level 1

• When XAR has fewer than 50,000 entries

o Receipt displays all transactions

• When XAP has fewer than 50,000 entries

o Check and Invoice – display all transactions

•  When XGL has fewer than 150,000 entries

o GL, Bank - last 60 days

Level 2

• When XAR, has between 50,000 and 300,000 entries

o Receipt - displays 6 months

• When XAP has between 50,000 and 300,000 entries

o Check and Invoice – display 12 months

• When XGL has between 150,000 and 900,000 entries

o GL and Bank – last 60 days

Level 3

• When XAR is over 300,000

o Receipt displays 3 months

• When XAP is over 300,000

o Check, Invoice – display 6 months

• When XGL over 900,000

o GL, Bank – last 60 days



Switches can override the defaults. A switch is set in Setup, Processing Defaults, Tab 5 in the Custom Programming Options field.


Individual Filters

/ARmonths=xx where xx is the number of months of Receipt History

APmonths=xx where xx is the number of months of Invoice History and Check History

/GLmonths=xx where xx is the number of months of GL History



Group Filters

/filtermonths=xx where xx is the number of months will cause all filters to be that number of months unless an individual filter is turned on

/filtermonths=99 will force all transactions to be displayed except in bank account history