General Ledger Raw Data



Clicking the General Ledger button from any history screen brings up this screen showing the General Ledger raw data. The highlighted transaction is the transaction that was highlighted on the history screen when you clicked the General Ledger button.


This is the program function that generated the transaction, e.g. Receivables, Payables.

Post Date

The posting date of the line item.


The GL account code description for the line item.


This field contains the accounting method affected by the transaction.

C - Cash

M - Modified Cash

A - Accrual


The dollar amount debited from the ledger.


The dollar amount credited to the ledger.


This field contains the ledger affected by the transaction. If Memo Transaction is listed, it is a transaction posted solely for reconciling the bank account.

Cross Reference

This shows any other ledger affected.

Entry and Set

These are generated by the program. All transactions generated by the same posting will have the same set number but different entry numbers. For example, a receipt from a tenant can generate a transaction to the tenant ledger, a payment of rent to the owner ledger and a management fee debit to the owner and credit to the management group. These will all have the same set number, but different entry numbers.