Voiding a Check


See Also Voiding a Transaction, Edit a Deposit Voiding a Cleared Check

How to PDF document #245 Void a Cleared Check


Voiding a posted or printed check prior to it being cleared in a bank statement reconciliation is a straightforward process. Voiding can be done in either the Check History or in the General Ledger History.


The process involves finding the check in history, highlighting it, and clicking the void Action Button. You are prompted to enter a void date and then post the transaction. The void process essentially undoes all the line items that make up the check and posts the appropriate transaction modifications to the affected ledgers.


Voided checks and their line items can be viewed in history by setting the filter to show voids.


Note: If you void a check on the same day as originally posted, the transactions will not appear on any owner statement. However, if you void on a date other than the original posting date, the offsetting transactions will show on statements.


Voiding a Cleared Check

If the check has been cleared in a bank reconciliation there are several possibilities.

If the wrong account code was used, the easiest way to correct it is to post a journal voucher decreasing one account code balance and increasing another. The date used can be the date of the check or the date you want to show on an owner’s statement. The end result is that the year-to-date financial records reflect the correct balance for each account code.

If the transaction was posted to the wrong owner (ledger), you can make the correction using a journal transfer, decreasing the account code balance for one owner and increasing it for another.

If you must void the original entry, do the following:


Unclear the check in GL, Bank History


Void the check in GL, Bank History

Re-enter the check in AP, Single Check as a handwritten check

Go into the GL, Bank Reconciliation function. Enter as the Closing Balance the opening balance minus the amount of the check. Mark the check cleared and post.



Unclear and void the check


Go to GL, Bank History and select the bank account


Make a note of the Last Statement amount from the protected field on the upper right


Find the check and highlight it - note the date cleared


Click the Unclear button. You will receive a warning that the bank opening statement balance will be changed - click OK.


Click on the General Ledger button and do a print form so you have a copy of each line item that was part of the check


Click the Void button. Double click in the Void Date field to fill the posting date in as the void date.


Click Post and exit Bank History


Re-enter the check


Go to AP, Single Check


Mark the Handwritten checkbox


Fill in the check number


Enter the information for each line item on the check


Click Post


Reconcile bank account


Go to GL, Reconcile Bank Account and select the bank


Enter the date the check was previously reconciled


Enter the Closing Balance, previously noted


Click the check tab


Mark the check just re-entered as cleared


The difference should be zero. If not, unclear all and clear just the check in question.


Print the report and attach to the original reconciliation report.


Click Post.