Edit a Deposit


See Also Payment Recorded in Error Void and Replace Receipt

How to document #208


If the deposit slip amount posted does not match the actual deposit slip, you can void or edit the deposit in Bank Account History.



This will put all items making up that deposit slip amount back into Deposit Receipts. You can then make the necessary corrections and redo the deposit slip entry so it matches the actual deposit transaction to the bank.



This will bring up all the receipts on the deposit slip. You can unmark the receipts which were not on the deposit slip, change the deposit amount and post. The unmarked receipts will then be in Deposit Receipts waiting to be included on another deposit slip.


See also the PDF How To document Edit a Deposit to take one receipt off a deposit slip and add another on to the deposit slip.


Cash Receipts - Receipts that were marked Currency when posted will display with the word Cash in the description field.When editing the deposit you can see just the Cash receipts by clicking on the Cash tab.


The Void and Replace button will allow you to void a receipt and replace it with another.


A receipt that is waiting deposit can be voided in either Tenant History or Receipt History.