Commercial Lease


CPI CAM Escalation Overage Estimated

See Commercial How To document 353



The commercial lease contains information on five functional areas - CPI Rent Increases, CAM (Common Area Maintenance), Escalation, Overage, and Estimated charges. It is found as a Speed Button in the Tenant Profile. The actual charges are posted using the Scheduled Commercial Charges function in AR-Receivables.

See our How To Document #353 Commercial Module for information and examples with screen shots.


The CPI (Consumer Price Index) is used to implement rent changes based on an index such as the Consumer Price Index.


CAM and Escalation charges are based on a percentage which can be taken from the square footage entered in the Unit Profile, a CAM percentage entered in the Unit Profile, or a fixed percentage entered in the Commercial Lease.


CAM, Escalation and Overage charges use an Account List. An Account List is a list you create of the accounts you want considered when determining the charges. All transactions in the owner ledger with accounts on the account list and falling within the time period selected will be considered when calculating a Source Amount to use in determining the CAM, Escalation or Overage charges. Account Lists are created in Setup, Account Lists.


Once this Source Amount is arrived at, the specific calculations for each charge begin. See the function information for the fields and formulas specific to the CAM, Escalation and Overage charges. Several fields are the same for each - see CAM, Escalation and Overage Charge fields.


The charge is prorated for day of occupancy based on the Move-in Date in the Tenant Profile.