Scheduled Commercial Charges


CAM Escalation Overage Estimated CPI


See Commercial How To document 353


This function computes the scheduled commercial charges you have set up in the Commercial Lease function of the Tenant Profile. It presents a list of candidates for your review before posting.


Scheduled Through

This date field is the date through which you wish to post charges. You can charge for one month or for several at a time. Whatever charges are due based on the Next Scheduled date and Schedule in the applicable profile will display.

Limit to Schedule

Use this Find List to select the schedule (weekly, monthly, etc.) for the charges if you wish to limit them.

Restrict To

Use this field to select a particular profile that you wish to charge. The field at the far right is a Find List to select the set of profiles you want displayed in the Find List for the field. Once a particular Record ID is chosen, clicking on the folder folder button will bring up that profile for viewing or editing.


Once you have the charge parameters set, click on the  <Compile> button to bring up the list of candidates.