Commercial Lease


Escalation Charge Profile


See Commercial How To document 353


The Escalation amount is arrived at in the following way:

The Base is subtracted from the Source Amount

A percent of the new figure is calculated using the % in the Escalation profile

If that amount exceeds the Cap the amount is reduced to the Cap figure

Example 1:

Suppose the tax bill comes in for $8500 for a building and a portion of that is charged to the tenants as an escalation charge.


Escalation Profile

Escalation % - 2.5

Base - 1000

Cap - 250

Schedule - Semi-annual

Charge ID - Escalation

Account List - contains account Tax


Scheduled Charges, Escalation calculations

Source Amount - 8,500

total of Tax account in owner’s ledger for past 6 months

Escalation % - 2.5

Base - 1000

Charge Amount - 187.50

 formula: (Source Amount - Base) x 2.5 / 100

calculations: (8500 - 1000) x 2.5 / 100

Cap - 250

Net Charge - 187.50


An Escalation charge is posted to the tenant for $187.50 and the Next Scheduled date in the Escalation profile is advanced 6 months.



If you clicked Reconcile in the Escalation profile and you have been charging the tenant $20 each month for the past six months either through the Estimated Charges function or the Charge Tenant and marked it an estimated charge, then:

Reconciled  - 100

Total Charge - 87.50

187.50 - 100


An Escalation charge is posted to the tenant for $87.50 and the Next Scheduled date in the Escalation profile is advanced 6 months.



Example 2:

Suppose the tax bill comes in for $8500 for a building and a portion of that is charged to the tenants as an escalation charge. The tenant’s Move In date is 4/22/07. The Base and the charge amount will be adjusted accordingly.


Escalation Profile

Escalation % - 2.5

Base - 1000

Cap - 250

Schedule - Semi-annual

Charge ID - Escalation

Account List - contains account Tax


Scheduled Charges, Escalation calculations

Source Amount - 8,500

total of Tax account in owner’s ledger for past 6 months

Escalation % - 2.5

Days - 70 / 181

  70=9 days in April, 31 days in May, 30 days in June)

% Days - 38.674

computed from Days above - days occupied divided by days in schedule period (Jan-June)

Adjusted % - 0.9669

 formula: percentage x % Days%

calculations: 2.5 x 38.674 / 100 = 0.9669

Base (recalculated) - 386.74

 formula: Base x % Days %

calculations: 1000 x 38.674 / 100

Charge Amount - 78.44

 formula: Source Amount - Base (recalculated) x Adjusted % / 100

calculations: (8500 - 386.74) x .9669 / 100

Cap - 250

Net Charge - 78.44


An Escalation charge is posted to the tenant for $78.44 and the Next Scheduled date in the Escalation profile is advanced 6 months.