Vendor Profile


Vendor Profile Report


This profile defines a vendor and contains basic information about the vendor.


A vendor profile should be defined for anyone you regularly write checks to for services performed. Owners should not be set up as vendors. Banks, HOA’s and other recipients of Recurring Checks can but don’t have to be vendors. Note: if a number of your rental units pay HOA fees to an association it would save data entry time to enter that HOA as a vendor.


Each vendor must have a unique Record ID made up of the ID (short description) and Long Description fields.


If you will be sending a 1099 then the Send 1099 and Taxpayer ID fields must be filled in. If the vendor name field contains other than the vendor’s legal name, then the Taxpayer Name should be filled in.

Once entered, only someone with access to the Tax Reporting module will be able to see the Taxpayer ID information. Access to the Tax Reporting module is done through Access Groups.

The vendor profile includes fields for a liability insurance expiration date, workmen’s compensation expiration date and a certification expiration date. If an invoice is entered and either of the dates has passed a warning screen will display. Warnings about pending expirations display in the invoice function starting 60 days prior to the expiration date.



Vendors can be assigned a payoff priority which will fill in on the invoice screen and affect the order in which invoices are paid.


Your company should be set up as a vendor is you write checks for fees earned.


There are also fields for an email address and discount information.


Publishing - see send by email

Options are:

Default - send by email.

Copy to Email - publish and send by email

Do not publish

Send by email - email only, don't publish



Buttons on the left:

Disbursement History - shows disbursements to the vendor

Vendor Payable History - shows all amounts paid the to vendor, showing ledger, unit, bill code, amount.

Vendor Repair History - shows work orders for all units assigned to the vendor


Vendor Profile Report

The vendor profile can be printed while you are editing it.  Click on <Report> and then <Preview> to see it and then print.