Check History



This function provides a way to view and edit check transactions. Detailed information about each check is displayed. The transactions are listed in check number sequence. Three folders can be viewed: All Checks, Unprinted Checks, and Destroyed Checks.


For large databases, see History Filters, also explained in How to PDF document #743 History Filters.


For information on reprinting checks, see our How to PDF document #749 Reprint Checks.


While viewing transactions in any of the folders, the action buttons on the right are active if applicable to that folder. The action buttons are: Filter, Edit, Reprint Check, Reprint Range, Void, General Ledger.


All by Date

This folder displays all check transactions that have been posted, sorted by date.

All by Number

This folder displays all check transactions that have been posted, sorted by check number.


This folder displays all electronic AP transactions that have been posted, sorted by date.


This folder displays all check transactions that have been posted.

Printed Checks

This folder displays all check transactions that have been printed.

Unprinted Checks

This folder displays only those checks that have not yet been printed. If you pay online rather than write checks, there is a button that will mark unprinted checks to be marked as paid electronically.


This folder displays all handwritten check transactions that have been printed.

Destroyed Checks

This folder displays only destroyed checks. Destroyed checks are those that are identified as not useable in AP, Destroyed Checks and voided checks when that checkbox is marked in Setup, Processing Defaults, Database tab.


This folder displays all transactions that were posted as ACH through the AP, Scheduled Payables function or the AP, Single Check function.


Action Buttons


Clicking this button brings up a screen that lets you select a subset of the checks. Selection fields include date range, check number range, amount range, payee, and bank. The sort order can also be changed. Once saved, the filter can be turned off or on with the Enable Filter checkbox.


The edit screen lets you make changes to a limited number of fields.

Note: If you change the date on a Refund check in AP, you must also change the AR refund transaction date in Tenant Hisotory.

Reprint Check

Clicking the Reprint Check button will clear the Date Printed field and allow the check to be reprinted in the AP, Print Checks function.

Reprint Range

Entering a range of check numbers will clear the Date Printed field for all in the range and place them in the Print Checks queue. A confirm screen displays if more than ten checks are going to be reprinted.


Clicking the Void button will cause the highlighted transaction to be voided. Voided transactions are not displayed unless you activate viewing them by using the filter.

General Ledger

This displays all transactions posted to the general ledger for the highlighted transaction.


Line Items - Detailed Information

The top portion of the history screen has one line item for each check while the bottom portion shows the details of the highlighted item The reason there are two blocks of detail information because a check can be made up of many line items. For example, several invoice line items from different payers (owners, property, units, management group) may combine to form one check to a vendor. The block at the top has to do with the check itself. The block at the bottom has to do with the individual ledger accounts involved in making up the check amount.

Top Block

Post Date - the posting date of the transaction

Printed - the date the check was printed

Check - the check number

Bank - the bank account the check was drawn on

Payee - to whom the check was paid

Amount - the amount of the check

Memo - any memo on the check transaction

Bottom Block

Ref - any reference # put on the transaction

Payer - whose ledger was debited (eg. owner, management group)

Amount - the amount debited from the above ledger

Discount - any discount that was applied

Memo - any memo on the line item transaction