Rent - When is it charged?


See Also What Happens When Rent is Charged


Rent can be charged automatically (as a batch) in Scheduled Receivables, Rent or individually in AR, Charge Tenant and in AR, Prorated Rent.


The rent amount is entered in the TENANT PROFILE in the [Amount] field on the Lease Tab. The schedule for charging rent is set in the TENANT PROFILE, Lease tab, the Rent Summary information.



Select <<AR, Scheduled Receivables>>. The radio button for <Rent> should be selected.


Change the [Scheduled Through] date if necessary. If you are posting the rent charges at the end of the month for next month change the date to next month


Click the <Compile> button. A list of tenants to be charged displays on the screen.


Review the candidates on the screen and make any changes necessary.


Print a report if you wish by clicking the <Report> button.


Click the <Post> button to record the charges.


The tenant history for each tenant charged now reflects the amount they owe for rent. You can view or edit these in <AR, Tenant History>, Unpaid Charges tab.


As part of the posting process the TENANT PROFILE, Lease tab, [Next Scheduled] field is updated (incremented based on the schedule). If the new [Next Scheduled] date is after the [Schedule Expires] date the [Schedule] will be changed to Expired thus keeping the tenant from being charged automatically in the future.



Note that the Lease and Move dates have no effect on the rent charging process. They are used for reporting and event reminders only.


If a move out date has been entered in the Tenant Profile, Rent Summary, Schedule Expire, then the rent charges will not be posted after the tenant vacates. It will also trigger an automatic change of status to Past Active when Scheduled Charges, Rent finds the scheduled has expired.


For a future tenant, the Status can be set to Future and the Next Scheduled Date for rent under Rent Summary information in the Tenant Profile should be set to the date when you want Scheduled Charges to start charging rent. When the initial rent charge is posted thru Scheduled Receivables, Rent, the tenant Status will be changed from Future to Current.