Tenant Profile


Rent Summary


These fields contain information on the current rent.


This is a protected field. It is filled in from the Lease Amount field and updated automatically as Rent Changes take effect. If the Per Square Foot box is checked CKBOX2, this field is calculated using the Lease Amount and Square Footage from the Unit Profile.


Select the rent charge schedule from the Find List. This sets the frequency for charging rent. To stop charging rent you can change the schedule to Expired or Never, or enter a Schedule Expires date which will cause the system stop charging rent as of the specified date. Current tenants with a schedule of Expired will not appear on the Rent Roll. Those with a schedule of Never will be included on the Rent Roll.

Next Scheduled

Use this date field to enter the date of the next scheduled rent charge. If a date in the future is chosen, no charge will be issued until that date. When a charge is posted, the date will be changed to the next scheduled charge date based on the schedule.

Schedule Expires

Use this date field to enter the date the rent charge should expire. Rent will not be posted automatically after this date. When rents are charged and this date falls before the calculated Next Scheduled date, the Schedule field will be set to Expired.


The Schedule Expires field is normally blank until the tenant indicates that they are going to vacate. Tenants whose lease expires and go on a month-to-month status will continue to be charged rent when this field is blank.


Review Date

This date can be used for any purpose you like.  It can be added to reports.


Rental Insurance Expires

Enter the date the tenant's rental insurance expires.  This date can be added to reports.


Rent Summary


Note: The Rent Summary fields, in conjunction with the Status field, dictates whether or not rent is charged when Scheduled Receivables, Rent is compiled and posted. See Rent - When is it charged? in Procedures.