Scheduled Receivables



See Also First Month’s Rent Rent - When is it charged?


See the How to document #203 on charging rents.

To view the rents scheduled to be posted, click the Rent RADIO radio button, set the Scheduled Thru date and click the compile Compile button.

A list of rent charge candidates will appear on the screen, displaying the posting date, the tenant Record ID, the charge ID description along with the frequency, the amount of the charge, the Unit, and the Skip checkbox. All of the fields are protected except for the Skip box. Mark the Skip checkbox to skip the rent charge for that tenant.


The list can be sorted by tenant or by unit.  Use the Radio button in the lower left to change the sort.  Whatever order they appear on the screen, that is the order they will show on the report.


The Edit box EDIT above the vertical scroll bar will toggle the line item charges from view, to one line edit, to every line edit.


Clicking anywhere on the line will display a second line with the unit Record ID and the First Month’s Rent box. The first month’s rent box dictates whether a leasing fee is charged to the owner in lieu of or in addition to a management fee. The fee amounts and the rules for determining the amounts are defined in the Management Fees Profile.


Clicking on the folder folder button will display the unit profile for viewing or editing. If the rent amount has changed you can enter the new rent in the unit profile and the amount will be changed on the screen.


The First Month’s Rent checkbox indicates that the posting month is in the same month as the lease start date. If a leasing fee is to replace the management fee based on the unit’s management fee profile, no management fee will be associated with this rent. If a leasing fee is defined in the management fee profile, it will be charged when Scheduled Receivables, Management Fees is run.


When you are satisfied with the information on the screen, click the POST Post button to post the charges to the tenant ledger. If the management fee is taken on collected rent, the rent charge will create a payable in the owner ledger and a receivable in the management group ledger.


When the rent charge is posted and there are open credits, it will be paid off if the total of all unpaid charges is less than or equal to the total open credits.


Note: When rent charges are posted the management fee and late fee parameters are set. Changing the parameters after posting the charge has no effect on the amounts involved.


Several folders are available displaying different subsets of the candidates.

All Rents

all candidates

Selected Rents

all those with no X in the Skip checkbox, meaning rent will be charged

First Month’s Rent

all those with an X in the First Month’s Rent checkbox

Selected First Month’s Rent

all those with an X in the First Month’s Rent checkbox and no X in the Skip checkbox

Skipped Rent

all those with an X in the Skip checkbox - no rent will be charged to these tenants