Tenant Reports



Vacancy report


The tenant reports have to do with information and transactions specific to tenants and their ledgers and balances.


Each report can be limited to different subsets of owners, units, or tenants by using the selection fields on the Tenant Report selection screen. Using the selection criteria turns what appears to be a single report into many reports. For example, using the Lease Expires date range you can produce a list of tenants whose leases expire within that date range.


Checkboxes let you mark the Tenant Statuses you want included on reports. Normally the default is Current, but you can also include or limit to Future, Past and Inactive tenants.


Tenant Report Fields

Report Name

Choose the report name from the drop down list.

Sort Order

Select the sort order for the report from the drop down list.

Report Date

Enter the date you want to run the report for. Depending on the report, you can either select a single date or a date range. Choosing a single date compiles the report as of that day. If the report is Tenant Balances, the report will reflect the balance as of the end of that day. If the report has a range of dates, entering both will limit the report to data within that date range. Entering a start date and no end date will report on everything from the start day forward. Entering an end date and no start date will report on everything through that date.

Restrict To

The report can be limited to a specific owner, property, tenant, unit, management group, property manager, building or profile list.

Limit to Category

The report can be limited to those tenants in the category selected here. Use the Find List to select the category you want to use.

Limit to Lease Type

The report can be limited to any of the three lease types: open, closed, month to month.

Lease Starts

The report can be limited to tenant whose lease start date falls in the date range selected.

Lease Expires

The report can be limited to those tenants whose lease expiration (in Tenant Profile) fall within the range of dates entered here.

Move In

The report can be limited to those tenants whose move in dates (in Tenant Profile) fall within the range of dates entered here.

Move Out

The report can be limited to those tenants whose move out dates (in Tenant Profile) fall within the range of dates entered here.


The report can be limited to those tenants with a specific status: Current, Future or Past.

Limit to Balance

Using the three fields you can create any combination of the following:


Field 1 Field 2 Amount

Balance Equal to any dollar amount

Unpaid Charges Not equal to

Advances Less than

Open Credits Less than or equal to

Deposits Greater than

Greater than or equal to


Use the Find List to select your choice. If these fields are left blank the tenant’s balance will not be considered.


Below is a partial list of reports available for tenants.


When running activity reports limited to a tenant, you have the option to set the date range back to the first activity for the tenant.


Advance Payment Reports

Advance Payment Details Report

This report lists those tenants who have advance payments. It includes the tenant and unit and a line for each charge with the charge ID, the amount of the original payment and the amount that remains paid in advance.


Advance Payment Summary Report

This report lists tenants with advance payments. One line is printed for each tenant with a total of the advance payment amount as well as any open credits and deposits held.


Aged Receivables Reports

Aged Receivables Details Report

This report lists those tenants with outstanding charges due to owner or management. It includes the tenant and unit with a line for each unpaid charge with the amount of the original charge, the amount outstanding, the due date, the number of days past due, and columns for Not Due, Current, 30, 60 or 90 days past due. Not Due are charges that are due in the future or are Disputed.

Aged Receivables Details Report (30 days)

This is the same report as above except the aging is 10, 20 and 30 days.

Aged Receivables Summary Report

This report lists those tenants with outstanding charges. One line is printed for each tenant with the total amount owed, and columns for Not Due, Current, 30 Days, 60 Days and 90 Days. Not Due are charges that are due in the future or are Disputed.

Aged Owner Receivables

This reports lists only tenants with outstanding charges payable to owners. Outstanding charges payable to the management group are excluded.


Audit Open Credits

This report details all the open credit activity for each tenant includeing deposits released, unallocated payments and refund checks.


Booking Fees

This report includes one line item for each tenant, with unit address, rent, deposits, lease start and end dates. It also includes fee percentage and fee amount columns. The additional management fee percentage in the tenant profile is also taken into account. Entering a Lease Expires from date on the report parameters screen will filter out those leases that expire prior to the date selected.


Charge Activity (Detailed and Summary)

This report lists all charges posted during the time period selected and how much still remains. Information provided includes the tenant and unit, the date of the charge, the due date and to whom the charge is owed.


Payment Activity

This report shows charges paid during the time period selected. It lists the tenant, date, charge paid, amount paid and to whom it was paid.


Chronic Late Payers Report

Tenants who appear on this report are those who have more than one late fee charged within one year of the date of the report. The information includes the unit, the rent amount, how much is late, how many times a late fee has been charged, when the last one was charged and how much it was for.


Delinquent Chronic Late Payers Report

The report is the same as above except it shows only those who are currently delinquent.


Delinquent Tenant Contact List

This report lists only tenants who have past due amounts as of the report date. It lists the full address, tenant name, phone numbers, rent amount, past due rent, total amount due, days late and grace period.


Lease Abstract / Lease Abstract by Unit

These reports include one line item for each tenant, with unit address, rent, deposits, lease start and end dates, move in and move out dates. The default sort order is by tenant.


The difference in these reports is in the secondary sort. For the Lease Abstract, the secondary sort is by tenant. Thus if you choose to sort by ledger, the information for each ledger will be listed in tenant sequence. For the Lease Abstract by Unit, the secondary sort is by unit. So if you choose to sort by ledger, the information will be listed in unit sequence.


Lease Abstract with Unit Type

This report includes the Unit ID, unit type, unit square footage, lease end date, rent, deposits and payment note.


Lease History

This report shows all tenants for a unit with the Lease Start, Lease End and Move out dates.  It can be used to determine when a unit was vacant. See also vacant unit.


Lease Expirations

This report lists tenants with lease expirations that fall within the date range chosen. The tenant, unit, owner, lease expiration date and rent amount are listed.


Legal Action Pending

This report contains information about tenants with the No Payments box checked in the Tenant Profile, or with a Status of Eviction or Notice.


Each tenant is listed with their status, unit, rent amount, unpaid charges, advance payments, open credits, and deposit amount. Underneath that line, any outstanding charges are listed with the amount and the Charge ID.


Past Due Rent

This report lists each tenant whose rent is late as of the date on the selection screen. In addition to the tenant name, the reports lists the unit, the scheduled rent amount, the amount of rent past due, the number of days late and the number of times late.

Total Due shows the total of all charges outstanding, regardless of date,  whether it is rent, or whether it is late.

Past Due reflects charges that are late as of the report date.

Only tenants with late fee profiles selected in their tenant profile will appear on this report. If a tenant has no late fee but you want him to appear on the report, create a late fee profile for No Fee.


Payment Notes Report

This report lists each tenant who has payment notes entered in his tenant profile, along with the unit and the payment note.


Recurring Charges Report

This report lists all the recurring charges entered in the tenant profiles. Each selected tenant and unit are listed, with a description of the charge, the amount, whether it’s payable to the management group, the schedule and when the schedule starts and ends.


Rent Changes

This report lists all the rent changes scheduled through the report date.


Rent Roll

The rent roll is a convenient way of getting a list of the tenants and the rent due from each. It lists each current tenant alphabetically (or whatever sort order you have chosen) with their rent amount and unpaid charges. Space is provided to enter the date payment is received and the check number. The reports do not include tenants with a rent schedule of Expired, but will includes those with a rent schedule of Never.

Rent Roll Expanded

This report lists each tenant alphabetically as above (or whatever sort order you have chosen), but beneath each tenant name the schedule for which rent is charged is listed, e.g. Monthly Rent, Weekly Rent.

Rent Roll Scheduled

This report breaks down the tenants by the schedule they pay rent, so all weekly rentals will be together, all monthly will be together, etc.


RPM Delinquent Tenants

This report will list each tenant who has not made a payment from the beginning of the month to the report date.


Security Deposit Audit

This report tracks all security deposit activity until the deposit is released, either through the Release Deposit function or the Tenant Move Out function. Once released, all the open credit activity is listed, which covers the disposition of the released security deposit funds.


Security Deposits Report

This report lists security deposit information for all tenants for whom you are holding security deposits.


Each tenant is listed, along with his unit. The date of each deposit, the account description, the deposit amount, how much, if any, has been released, the amount remaining, the interest due as of the date of the report, and the simple interest calculation.


Tenant-Ledger List

This report lists the tenant, unit, ledger, rent amount and deposits being held.


Tenant-Owner Address List

This report lists the tenant and his mailing address, the owner and his mailing address, tenant contact and phone numbers and owner contact and phone numbers.


Tenant-Owner Phone List

This report lists the tenant, unit, tenant contact and phone numbers, and owner contact and phone numbers.


Tenant Activity Reports

Tenant Advance Payment Activity

This report lists any advance payment activity during the time period chosen. The payment is listed as well as any charges during that time.

Tenant Balance Activity

This reports lists the transaction activity in a tenant ledger during the time period selected. It lists the tenant and unit followed by a line for each transaction displaying the date, account description, charge or payment amount and balance.

Tenant Deposit Activity

This report lists any security deposit activity during the time period. This includes deposits received and those released for a charge code with the Use To Track Deposits checkbox checked.

Tenant Open Credit Activity

This reports lists any open credit activity during the time period chosen. This includes money applied to open credits, and open credit money applied toward a charge.


Tenant Activity Payment Details

This includes the option to detail receipt items.


Tenant Activity Summary


Tenant Balances Report

This report provides the tenant balance based on all recorded transactions up to and including the Report Date. The report shows the tenant’s name, the unit, the rent amount, Unpaid Charges, Advances, Open Credits, and Deposits being held.


Tenant Mail Labels

This function will print mail labels for tenants on a laser printer. The label wil be the Permanent Address block from the Tenant Profile unless the "Maial Correspondence to Unit" checkbox is marked. When marked, the name line will be the Tenant Long Description field and the remainder will be the address block from the Unit Profile.


It will print in two formats, 2 across or 3 across.

2 across: 1" x 4", 10 rows on a page. The layouts are based on Avery style 5161.

3 across: 1" x 2 5/8", based on Avery style 5260, 5660 and 5960

You can export the label file by compiling the labels and then using the Export function.


Tenant Open Credit Activity

See Tenant Activity reports above.


Tenant Payments

This reports on all payments from tenants received during the time period selected. The report lists the tenant name, the date of receipt, the account code description and the payment amount.


Tenant Phone List

This report lists each tenant, the unit, and the phone and emergency phone information from the Tenant Profile, with contact, day phone number and night phone number for each.


Tenant Profile Report

The tenant profile report prints one page per tenant profile listing all the information in the profile.


Tenant Tax Information

This report will print the tenant name, tenant taxpayer name, taxpayer ID and whether the Send 1099 checkbox is marked.


Unpaid Charges Report

Unpaid Charges Detail Report

This report lists only those tenants who have unpaid charges. It shows the tenant’s name and unit and prints a line for each unpaid charge, including the date and charge ID, the amount of the original charge and the amount remaining, the Due Date and who the charge is payable to.

Unpaid Charges Summary Report

This report lists only tenants with unpaid charges and prints one line for each tenant. It includes a total of the amount of unpaid charges, a total of any advance payments, total open credits and total deposits.