Processing Defaults


Tenant Profile Defaults New Profile Defaults Database Defaults

Printing Options RPM


See the How to PDF document #759 Processing Defaults - function found in Setup.


This function lets you set up defaults to be used by the system. If your mix of managed units requires multiple choices for a field included in the defaults, you should probably leave the processing default field blank and choose from the field drop down list at the time you create the actual profile or perform the function.


The first folder pertains to setting up new profiles - New Profile Defaults.


The second folder pertains to setting up new tenant profiles - Tenant Profile Defaults.


The third folder, Database Defaults, sets up the minimum base reserve for general processing as well as other parameters for processing.


The fourth folder contains printing options.


The fifth folder contains switches for RPM-style processing options and customized programming options.


New Profile Defaults tab

The following fields set up defaults which will be used in creating profiles for owners, units, etc. The fields in the profiles will be filled in with the values you select here, but you will be able to change them. Entries in any of these fields are optional. Choose your selection from the Find List or click the Folder button to create one.

Management Group (recommended)

Posting Table (recommended)

Accounting Method (recommended)

Management Fee

Owner Statement

Minimum Distribution



Tenant Profile Defaults tab

The following fields set up defaults, which will be used in creating profiles for tenants. The fields in the profiles will be filled in with the values you select here, but you will be able to change them. Entries in any of these fields are optional. Choose your selection from the Find List or click the Folder button to create one.

Rent Charge (recommended)

Late Charge (recommended)

NSF Charge (recommended)

Rate Table


Late Fee

Tenant Statement (recommended)


Database Defaults tab

Minimum Base Reserve

This is an amount that pertains to all owners and properties. No Scheduled Check (Invoice, Distribution, etc.) can be posted that will draw the owner balance below this amount. Only the AP, Single Check function does not respect the reserve amount when posting a check.


If, for example, the minimum base reserve is set to $0 (the default), an owner with a base reserve of $100 - Not Enforced could have his balance drawn down to zero but never negative during the check writing process. If the Minimum Base Reserve is set to -$2000, then an owner’s balance can be drawn to that amount when doing invoice checks. If the Minimum Base Reserve is set to $300, an owner’s balance cannot be drawn below that amount in an AP, Scheduled Check function.


If you are not concerned about writing checks that draw the owner balance negative you can set the Minimum Base to a negative number and set the base reserve in the owner/property profile to a negative number. Or set the minimum base reserve to a negative number and the owner/property base reserve to 0. Then the default will be to skip the check but you have the option to unskip and bring the owner negative.


Note that the Minimum Base Reserve overrides any amount entered in the owner profile as Base Reserve.

Save Records During Processor Idle Time

This has to do with how the program posts records to the disk. When the checkbox is marked, records will be put in a buffer to wait for a time when Windows is idle. When not checked records will be posted immediately to the disk. This may make processing slightly faster.

Disable General Ledger Posting Optimization

If this box is checked the system will display all offsetting open credit transactions in the General Ledger History - All Accounts tab. If not marked the GL History will be easier to review because fewer line items will be generated for each transaction.

Post only Cash Transactions to the General Ledger

If you do not use accrual accounting at all, and do not want the benefits of simultaneous cash, accrual and modified cash accounting, you can have the system post only cash transactions. This will speed up processing time and reduce the size of the general ledger. If you have already posted transactions without this checkbox marked and you mark it, or with the checkbox marked and you unmark it, you must rebuild the General Ledger in File, Database Utilities.


If you mark this checkbox the summary fields of Payables and Receivables in GL History will not display the payable and receivable account.

Disable Automatic Payoff of Open Credits in Accounts Receivable

Unless this box is marked, tenant open credits will automatically be applied to unpaid, undisputed charges when a new charge is posted. This will happen only if the amount of open credits is greater than or equal to the amount of unpaid charges. Checking this box will prevent this from happening automatically.

Disable Rent Discount Processing

Each time a tenant receipt is entered the system checks to see if there are rent discounts that apply. If you never use rent discounts, checking this box will speed up processing by eliminating that step in the posting of rent receipts.

Post Offsetting Owner Transactions for Tenant Charges Paid to Management

Marking this checkbox will cause all management fees, late fees, NSF fees and other tenant charges being paid to the management group to appear on the owner ledger as an income item and as an offsetting expense item. Unless your state requires it, we recommend you do not mark this checkbox.

Generate a Destroyed Check Entry When Check is Voided. Use Today’s Date

When a check is voided, the check number will no longer print on a Bank Activity report. In order to have that check number print on a report the check must be entered as a destroyed check in the AP, Destroyed Check function. When this checkbox is marked, the voided check will be recorded as a destroyed check on today’s date when it is voided, saving you the step of entering it yourself.

Generate a Destroyed Check Entry When Check is Voided. Use Posting Date

When a check is voided, the check number will no longer print on a Bank Activity report. In order to have that check number print on a report the check must be entered as a destroyed check in the AP, Destroyed Check function. When this checkbox is marked, the voided check will be recorded as a destroyed check on the posting date of the original check when it is voided, saving you the step of entering it yourself.

Warn of Insufficient Funds When Posting an Invoice

If this checkbox is not marked, the program will not check the ledger’s available balance until the invoice check is posted. If this checkbox is marked, the program will check the ledger balance when the invoice is saved and display a message if available funds are less than the amount of the invoice.


Printing Defaults

Include Payee or Memo on Check Stub Statements

There is an option in the Owner Profile to print the owner statement on his distribution check stub. When that option is selected, memos and payees do not print in an effort to conserve space. If this checkbox is marked the payee will print if there is one. The memo will print if there is no payee.

Use Encoded Date and Time on Reports

Each report and statement prints a line at the bottom with the company name and the date and time printed. When this checkbox is marked the date and time will print in an encoded format:

minutes-month year date-hour

so that it is not readily discernable when the report was generated.

For example, if the report was printed on April 24, 2011 at 11:25:

with the checkbox not marked, line will read

 Prepared by Your Company on April 24, 2011 at 11:25 AM

with the checkbox marked, line will read

 Prepared by Your Company, Document 25-41124-11


RPM Processing Options

Use Simplified Receipts

Marking this checkbox will turn off charge and advance payment processing and change the Tenant Receipt screen into one that more closely resembles the RPM DOS receipt functionality.

Simplified Payments

Marking this checkbox will turn off invoice processing so that all invoice checks are written using the Single Check function.


Customized Programming Options

This section is used to identify custom programming switches which alter the behavior of different functions for the company requiring the customization.