Find List


See Keep Find List Active Select from Lookup / Find List

How to get to a Find List


The Find List can be found in all of the profile areas in the Profile function and Setup. It contains a list of all the profiles of that type. All Find Lists have at least 2 fields – ID (short description) and Name (long description). The ID can be up to 10 characters. The Name can be up to 25 characters. ID’s must be unique within a profile set.


The default sequence of the Find List is Sort by ID. The sort order can be changed by clicking the Sort by Name radio button.


Typing into the Search For field highlights the first line item matching the characters entered. If the highlighted item is the one you want to select, press <Enter> or double click on the line item or click the <Select> button.


When you are positioned on the list so you can see the one you want, use the <Down Arrow> or <Up Arrow> to highlight and then press <Enter>, double click or click <Select>.


If the item you want is inactive, marking the Show Inactives checkbox will add them to the list.

Create New Copy from Selected Profile

Clicking this button will copy the profile of the highlighted item and bring it up on the screen to be modified. At a minimum the ID must be changed before it can be saved.

flashlight2 Flashlight

The Find List for a profile set can be accessed from any field that contains the Flashlight button by clicking on the button.

Group View

The group view button lets you sequence the list by selecting the header labels to sort on. For example, the tenant find list has four additional fields: Status, Rent, Lease Start and lease Expires. Click on the Group button and drag the lease expires label to the top - then the list will be sorted by lease expiration date.