Select from Lookup box / Find List


See Delete Find List

Entering data into a field

Most fields accept free form typed data, while some fields are limited to entries from a predefined list or a user-created list. Examples of a predefined list are Status and Report Name. Examples of a created list are unit profiles and vendor profiles. Fields that require selection from predefined and created lists are called lookup boxes.


Lookup Box     Restriction Box






There are two types of lookup boxes. One that uses a Find List for selection and one that uses a drop down list. Selecting from a changeable list like ledger, property, bill to, account, utilizes a Find List. Selecting from a fixed predetermined list like Status, Priority, Schedule, uses a drop down list.


A restriction box contains a drop down list of the Find Lists that can be selected into the lookup box. It displays when the selection can be from more than one list. Selecting an entry in the restriction box causes the lookup box to be restricted to that Find List.

Selecting from a drop down list

Typing a character in a lookup box using a drop down list causes the list to appear and highlights the first entry in the list matching the character typed. Use the <Down Arrow> to highlight the entry you want and press <Enter> to select. A single mouse click on the one you want will also select it.

Selecting from a Find List

Display the Find List from a lookup box

Press <F4>

Press <Down Arrow> or <Up Arrow>

Click on the flashlight button.

More than one Find List for a lookup box

If the find list displayed is not the one you want, select the one you want from the restriction box dropdown list and then proceed with the lookup box options.

Make your selection once Find List is displayed:

Once the find list is displayed, you can type into the Search For field to locate the desired ID. The default is to search by ID. An alternative is to search by Name. Click that radio button to change the Search For field. While in the find list you can use the <Up Arrow>, <Down Arrow> or mouse.

Once the one you want is highlighted, any of the following will select that item:

press <Enter> to select and stay in the field

double click the line item

click the <Select> button

click the <Edit> button

press the <F12> key

Defaults for Find List:

Invoice Payee – vendor

Invoice Bill To – unit

Single Check Payee – vendor

Single Check Bill To – unit

Unit Reports Restrict To – unit

Tenant Reports Restrict To – tenant

Property Reports Restrict To – owner

Owner Reports Restrict To – owner

Ledger Reports Restrict To – owner

General Ledger History Ledger – owner


If you want each line item you enter to use the same default, then select it from the restriction box. Once selected it will remain the default until you exit the function.

Selecting from a Find List without displaying it

If you start typing the ID in a lookup box field that uses a find list, the ID that matches your keystrokes will display. If it is the one you want, you can press <Tab> or <Enter> or click into any field to select that entry. If your IDs are setup efficiently there will be many times that you won’t need to display the find list to make a selection. Designing them so two to four keystrokes gets the one you want will save time when doing recurring tasks.


An example is the Bank Account find list. If you have 2 accounts with ID’s of CHECKING and ESCROW, a C will select checking and an E will select escrow. No need to ever look at the find list. If instead of checking and escrow they had ID’s of BANK C and BANK E you would have to type 5 characters or use the find list.


Finding the line you want most efficiently will come with experience and experimentation. In most cases, using the keyboard to type in a few characters to get the line item you want and then pressing <Enter> is the most effective.



To delete the contents of the field, use the <Shift><Backspace> key combination.