Scheduled Commercial Charges


Estimated Charges

See Commercial How To document 353



This function determines the Estimated charge candidates based on the information entered in the Commercial Lease, Estimated Charges function. The estimated charges are then calculated using that information. When the candidate list appears, the tenant and the charge amount are displayed.


Use the Skip box to skip the charge for that tenant.


The Edit box EDIT above the vertical scroll bar will toggle the line item charges from view, to one line edit, to every line edit.


When you are satisfied with the information on the screen, click the POST Post button to post the charges to the tenant ledger.



The tenant owes the owner 8.74% of any of a variety of charges contained on the Account List CAM. The tenant will be charged a monthly charge of $75. At the end of the year a reconciliation will be done and the tenant will either be charged the amount he still owes or the owner will return to the tenant what he has overpaid. The total CAM expenses to the owner for the year are $14,323.


Estimated Charge Profile

Charge - CAM

Amount - 75

Schedule - Monthly


CAM Profile

CAM % - 8.74

Schedule - Annual

Charge ID

Account List - CAM

 Reconcile checkbox marked


Scheduled Charges, CAM Reconcilation calculations

Source Amount - 14,323

total of all amounts paid using accounts on the CAM account list

Percentage - 8.74

Net Charge - 1251.83

 formula: Source Amount x Percentage

calculations: 14323.00 x 8.74%

Reconciled - 900

 total of charges posted to tenant through Estimated Charges during the schedule period

  (75/month for year)

Total Charge - 351.83

 formula: Net Charge - Reconciled

calculations: 1251.83 - 900