Moving In a Tenant


See Also ProRated Rent First Months Rent

  How to PDF document #233


Setting up a new Tenant Profile establishes a tenant ledger to which transactions can be posted. The process of moving in a tenant involves assigning a Unit Profile and setting the Next Scheduled Date in the Tenant Profile to the date you want to start charging rent.


A tenant may be added prior to moving in (becoming the current tenant). In this case the tenant Status should be set to Future and the Next Scheduled Date for rent under Rent Summary information in the Tenant Profile should be set to the date when you want Scheduled Receivables to start charging rent. Even if this is not done, you can post charges and process payments while the tenant status is Future.


Note: When the initial rent charge is posted using Scheduled Receivables the tenant Status will be changed from Future to Current.


If the new tenant is moving in to a vacant unit or you are adding a new unit that is already leased then set the tenant Status to Current. The Next Scheduled Date for rent should be set to the date when you want Scheduled Charges to start charging rent.

Charging Rent - the Next Scheduled Date

The Next Scheduled Date, along with the Schedule, is used to determine if rent will be charaged during Scheduled Charges, Rents. If the Next Scheduled Date is prior to the selected Scheduled Thru date on the Scheduled Charges screen, a charge will be posted.


As many charges will be posted as are due through the Scheduled Through date, i.e. if the Next Scheduled is April 1 (and Schedule is Monthly) and a Scheduled Through of May 30 is selected, two charges will be posted - one for April 1 and one for May 1. The Next Scheduled Date would be updated to June 1 after the posting.


Before Next Scheduled Date August 1

Schedule Monthly

Rent $650


Posting Parameter

Scheduled Thru August 15


After Next Scheduled Date Sept. 1

Schedule Monthly

Rent $650


Result Tenant charge posted for $650

dated August 1