Keep Find List Active



This button is found on the Find List screen. It applies to Find Lists generated from the Profiles. It toggles on and off. When it is lit (on), saving a profile brings you back to the Find List so you can select another profile to look at. When it is not lit (off), saving a profile takes you out of that function and you have to select the function to bring up the find list before selecting a profile to view or edit.


Each Find List in Profiles also has a check box which will keep just that Find List active while you are in that function. Once you leave that function the system will default to the setting of the Keep Find List Active button on the Speedbar.


The Find List contains a list of all the active profiles of that type. You can choose the profile to edit by scrolling or by entering the first one to three characters of the ID. You can also choose to create a new profile. The sort order can be ID or Name (Long Description). There is a Radio Button to use to set the sort order.


If you wish to view the inactive profiles click that check box and the inactive profiles will be included on the Find List.


For example, if you had several owner phone numbers to update, you would make the Find List active, click Owner, choose the owner from the Find List, make the phone number change, and save. This will bring you back to the owner profile Find List so you can choose the next owner to edit.