Edit Screens


General Ledger Button


There are different edit screens depending on the type of transaction that is highlighted when you click on Edit from the History functions. The name of the Edit screen reflects the type of transaction that is being edited. Many of the fields displayed are for information only and cannot be edited.


All Edit screens contain the following fields, which can be edited:


The posting date of the transaction.

Void Date

Entering the same date as the posting date will cause the transaction to disappear. Entering a different date will cause a cancelling transaction to be posted on that date.

Check Date

The date of the check.


Freeform fields for any memo or comments you wish to enter. Editing done here will not transfer to other transactions in the set.


All edit screens contain the following fields which cannot be edited:


A computer generated number to identify the transaction.


This field will indicate if a transaction has been voided or NSF’ed and the date of that occurance.


The initials (taken from System Security information) of the person who posted the transaction, as well as the date and time of posting.


The initials, date and time of the most recent modification of the transaction.


This field will appear on screens where it is applicable, e.g. Invoice History, or when editing a check.

Edit Invoice

The edit invoice screen has several modifiable fields not found on other history screens:

Invoice #

The invoice # can be changed.


You can mark an invoice Hold, which will keep it from coming up in the Scheduled Payables function until the Hold is removed.

Separate Check

When this box is checked a separate check will be issued for this invoice rather than consolidating it with other invoices on one check. This can be changed after the invoice has been entered and before it is printed.


This field can be changed before printing the check.

Release Invoice

In addition to the standard action buttons, while on the Edit screen there is a Release Invoice button. Clicking it while editing a partially paid invoice will cause the invoice amounts to be changed to the total amount paid so far. These changes will be reflected on the date the invoice was originally posted. A warning message will display asking if you want to do this. If you click Yes, the change will be posted and you are returned to the edit screen. Pressing Cancel from the edit screen will not undo the change to the invoice amounts.


The check # of the printed check.


This box will be marked if the transaction was an ACH not a check transaction..

Tenant History - Edit Charge

You can modify the Amount on an unpaid charge. If the charge is partially paid off you can change the amount as long it remains more than or equal to the amount already paid.


This screen contains check boxes which indicate whether the charge is a deposit, taxable, and paid to the management group. These cannot be modified.


The check box for Disputed can be modified. A disputed charge will not appear in the Tenant Receipt function.


The check box for Estimated Charge can be modified. This pertains to the Commercial function Estimated Charges.