Charge Tenant


Pay Management

The Charge Tenant function posts detailed charges to the selected tenant’s account. Multiple charges can be entered at the same time. A running total of the charges waiting to be posted is kept. You can select the tenant to charge by the Unit or Tenant. Charges can be posted against tenants with current, future, and past leases who are active.


When everything necessary has been entered, click POST Post to post the charge to the tenant ledger and exit the Tenant Charge function. Click NEW New to post the charge to the tenant ledger and enter another charge.


When a new charge is posted and there are open credits, all undisputed outstanding charges will be paid off if the total of all unpaid charges is less than or equal to the total open credits.


This date field is for the posting date of the charge.

Due by

This date is used for late fee calculations. Leave it blank unless you want it to be different from the posting date.

Unit, Tenant

You can use either of these Find List fields to choose the tenant to be charged. Clicking the folder folder button will bring up the profile screen for the selected unit/tenant.


Enter the Charge Code which specifies the service or item that is being charged to the tenant. Charge ID’s are defined in Setup, Accounts, Charge. Use the Find List to view the Charge IDs.


This numeric field is for the dollar amount of the charge. The charge defaults to being payable to the owner, unless the Charge Code has been defined as a deposit. Charges can be paid off to the Management Group if applicable.


This field is for a further explanation of the charge which can be viewed in Tenant History and can be printed on Tenant Statements.


A freeform section for comments.

Pay Management Group

Mark this checkbox if the charge is payable to the management group instead of the owner.