Category – Create


Category Examples


Categories are created in <<Setup, Categories>>.


Categories can be used for a variety of purposes and are part of the Owner, Property, Management Group, Unit, Tenant, Unit Type and Vendor profiles. Most reports and mailings can be limited to a category. Information associated with a category can be mail-merged into word processing documents. There is no limit to the number of category items that can be added to a profile.


Categories are identified by a unique Name, which can be up to 40 characters..


Categories are broken out into seven Category Types – General, Comment, Emergency, Inspection, Listing, Maintenance, and Welcome.


An optional Section description allows for grouping categories, while a numeric field Sort Position positions the category on a listing.


Categories can be part of an Alert Type that displays a pop-up screen in the Invoice, Move Out, Receipt, and Work Order functions. They can generate reminders on the specified Effective and/or Expire dates. A category can be designated a Label or Note. A Category can be Profile Specific. An unlimited comments field that copies into the profile is available for the category.


Profile Specific – If this checkbox is marked, the use of the category is limited to the profile set that it is assigned to. If not marked, the category is live up the line when running reports and creating letters. For example, limiting a tenant report or letter to a category will search for that category in the tenant, unit, unit type, and owner/property profiles. If the category is marked profile specific in the unit, it will not be considered a match.


Category is a Label – If only this checkbox is marked, the category name will preceed any qualifier in the profile entry with the comments indented below.


Category is a Note – If this checkbox is marked, the category name is suppressed in the profile entry. If this checkbox is not marked, the category name is included in the profile entry.


The category defined in Setup, Categories is the generic category that is selected in a profile. The specifics relating to the category are defined in the profile screen.


Comments - the information entered here will be displayed in the profile when viewed on the categories tab, but will not be in the Comment field when you edit the category.  If you want the information to be part of the Comment in the profile when the category is selected, mark the checkbox.  Then the comments entered become a template for the category when selected.


The rules are below for how the category information will print when selected as a text substitution in a letter. In each case, the Comment (if there is one) will be indented below the other information.







Qualifier + Dates + Category Name



Category Name: Qualifier + Dates



Dates + Qualifier (Category Name if no Qualifier)



Qualifier (Category Name if no Qualifier): Dates



See Categories for more information.


Delete a Category

Use the (-) button to delete a category in <<Setup, Categories>>. Deleting a category deletes all references to that category in all profiles. If you want to delete a category from a profile, use the <Ctrl><Delete> key while editing the category in the profile.