Batch Tenant Receipts


Fields and Line Items

Lockbox File Format

Import a Lockbox File

Use a Previously Created Lockbox File

Create a Lockbox File


Note: For the most current information on the AR, Batch Tenant Receipt function see the How to PDF document #746.

If you are using Inosio to process payments please see Help document #931 Inosio Integration Guide.

If you are using Zego see Help document #930 Zego Integration Guide.

The batch receipts form provides for loading payments from a third party payment processing company or from a file created locally. The lockbox file consists of any number of payment transactions in a format recognizable by PROMAS. Transaction files generated by third party providers must either be in the format acceptable by PROMAS or be converted to that format. See below.

The only payments that are automatically posted in the Batch mode:

fully pay off the outstanding charges unless the /partialpay switch is used (See Help Document #377 for a list and explanation of switches). Then a partial payment will process if there is only one unpaid charge.

the charges can be dated up to 30 days in the future

all charges must be paid to the same ledger (cannot pay off one charge to owner and one to management)

Any others will show on the Payments Requiring Individual Processing tab and are handled through the regular Tenant Receipt function by clicking the Process Payment button. Each line item has a Status field that indicates the full amount of outstanding charges for the tenant. This includes payments where the payer cannot be identified.

Three tabs are available: All Payments; Payments Requiring Individual Processing; and Payments Not Requiring Individual Processing.


Import a File Created by Another Source

The batch receipt function can import a file that is in the format described below.

Third party payment processing companies can provide payment files in the lockbox format for importing using the Batch Tenant Receipt function. Files received from outside sources can be copied to the PROMAS working directory or a separate folder. After processing the file, we suggest you rename it to prevent multiple imports.


If both the Unit ID and Tenant ID do not match existing IDs, they will be listed on the Payments Requiring Individual Processing tab.

Both the tenant id and unit id will be used to determine the tenant and unit associated with the payment if both are supplied. Only one of the two ids is required to process a payment. Here are the rules.
If both IDs are valid the payment is posted for the tenant and unit.
If the tenant ID is not valid or is not supplied, the default tenant for the unit is used.
If the unit ID is not valid or is not supplied, the unit associated with the tenant is used.


The file format compatible with PROMAS:

Each record should have the format:

"yyyy-mm-dd","unit ID","amount","memo up to 40 characters","Tenant ID",CR/LF


"yyyy-mm-dd","unit ID","amount","memo up to 40 characters",CR/LF


  amount is in the format xxx.xx

  Tenant ID is optional

  the text CR/LF represents the ASCII single byte characters 13 and 10 respectively for carriage return, line feed

  include the commas and quotes


The file name should be xxx.yyy where xxx represents any name and yyy is txt or csv or asc. The date can be mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd.


Example: June10.csv

"2006-06-10","Cedar327","690.00","Reference #68217","Roseman",

"2006-06-10","Fair436","1140.00","Reference #1721","Bruno",


"2006-06-10","Mail212","950.00","Reference #6612"


Processing a payment file

Go to <<AR, Batch Tenant Receipts>>.

Click <Load Payments from Lockbox File>.

Locate the file and double click on the name.

Print the report.

Click <Post> - the payment amounts not equal to the unpaid charges remain on the screen.

Click <Process Payment> for each line item; make appropriate adjustments on the Tenant Receipt Screen; click <Post> and continue until finished.

If it is a ledger receipt, click the <Process as a Ledger Receipt> button to go to the AR, Ledger Receipt screen.

Click the Deposit Receipts speedbutton to process the deposit.


Use a Previously Created File (.ASC; .TXT: .CSV)

Create your own payment file when tenant payments are handled by direct deposit. Your bank should generate a deposit for all direct deposit transactions. Your locally created file is used to process those payments and record a deposit slip that will match when the bank does.


Click on the <Load Payments from Lockbox File> button.


A screen will display showing the folders and files on your computer. Choose the appropriate file.


All the payments entered into the lockbox file will display on the screen. Any payments that don't fully pay off the outstanding charges will be on the Payments Requiring Individual Processing tab.


Any payment can be

  removed - use the <Remove Payment> button.

  edited - use the <Remove Payment> button. The payment will be put in the upper portion of the screen where you can edit the amount

  posted through the normal Tenant Receipt function - use the <Process Payment> button - it will take you to the normal <<Tenant Receipt>> function

5. When you have verified the payments listed click <Post>. The payments matching the amount owed will be recorded and put into <<GL, Deposit Receipts>> for deposit. Those that don’t match the amount owed must be individually processed using the <Process Payment> button.


Create a File Locally

One Time

1. Go to <<AR, Batch Tenant Receipt>>


Choose the tenant or unit


Enter a payment amount


Click <Add Payment to Batch> button. The payment will display in the lower portion of the screen and you can choose the next tenant.


Save by clicking <Save Unprocessed Batch to Lockbox File>. A screen will display allowing you to name the file. It will then be available to load at any time.

Each Time


Go to <<AR, Batch Tenant Receipt>>.


Click <Load Payments from Lockbox File>


A screen will display showing the folders and files on your computer. Choose the appropriate file.


All the payments entered into the lockbox file with a valid unit or tenant ID will display on the screen. Any payments that don't fully pay off the outstanding charges will be on the Payments Requiring Individual Processing tab. Any non-matches will go to an error log file that will be displayed.


Any payment can be

removed - use the <Remove Payment> button.

edited - use the <Remove Payment> button. The payment will be put in the upper portion of the screen where you can edit the amount

posted through the normal Tenant Receipt function - use the <Process Payment> button - it will take you to the normal <<Tenant Receipt>> function


When you have verified the payments listed click <Post>. The payments matching the amount owed will be recorded and put into <<GL, Deposit Receipts>> for deposit. Those that don’t match the amount owed must be individually processed using the <Process Payment> button.


Fields and Line Items

Posting Date

Change if the posting date of the transactions should be different than todays date. If the line item dates differ, the Update All Dates button can be clicked to update all line item dates to the Posting Date entered here.


Use either of these fields to select a tenant if you are adding a payment to the batch.


Change if other than the default.


Enter the payment amount to use when the batch is posted. If you mark the Quick Posting Mode checkbox, the payment amount will remain after each addition.


Double clicking in the memo field will insert the phrase "check #". Type in any memo you want associated with the payment.

Total Entries

Protected field that indicates the number of entries in the import file.

Total Amount

Protected field that indicates the total of the Payment Amounts in the import file.

Add Payment to Batch

This button will add the member payment to the batch of payments being created. After all payments are added the batch can be saved to a lockbox file that can be used over and over again.


Line Items


This will be the posting date of the payment. The Update All Dates button will change this date to the Posting Date above.

Payment Description

Contains the tenant and the unit long description.


The payment amount to be posted.


Shows the unpaid charges for the tenant.

Process as a Ledger Receipt

Use this to post a ledger receipt for an owner.

Remove Payment

Clicking the line item will remove it from the list. Clicking the <ADD Payment to Batch> button will restore the last line item removed.

Process Payment

Clicking takes you to the standard Tenant Receipt screen. From there the payment amount can be allocated to the outstanding charges. Refer to Tenant Receipts for more details. Click Post to finalize the payment.

Sort by Tenant/Unit

The line items comprising the batch whose amount paid does not match the amount owed can be viewed by either tenant sequence or unit sequence by marking the radio button.

Start Over (Delete All Payments)

Use the button to clear all line items from the screen. A confirmation screen displays prior to clearing them.

Update all Dates

The date in all unposted payments in the batch will be changed to the Posting Date above. A confirmation screen displays prior to updating.

Load Payments from Lock Box File

Lets you point to a file containing tenant payment transactions and then import them as line items that can be posted.

Save Unprocessed Batch to Lock Box File

Lets you point to a path and filename to store the batch of line items listed. The saved file can be used multiple times.


The unprocessed line items are listed on the report.