Help, About



Choosing this option from the Help pull-down on the Main Speedbar provides information about the program.

Current version of program installed

Folders being accessed:

Working - the folder under which the data and license folder reside.

Executable - the folder where the program resides

Data - where your data resides

License - where the registration files reside

Instance - the folder used by Windows to store program settings

Help - the location and name of the help file

Modules that are active (Check Reader, Commercial, Local Tax, Maintenance, Publishing)

Error Log – a list of network error messages

Connections – a list of users currently in PROMAS

Permissions – which folders you have access to

Reset Inspector - this will clear the path that has been identified to the Inspection program so it can be reset the next time the Inspection button is clicked in the Unit profile.

Daily Backup - creates a backup in a folder named Backup at the same level as your Data folder. The file is named "LL12_Database for YYYY-MM-DD.bkp.

Support Backup - creates a backup in a folder named Support under the Working folder. The file is named "LL12_Database for YYYY-MM-DD.bkp.

Database – the current version of the Elevate DB being used.

Configuration - lists the user settings in the Landlord12.config file.


Update AR - adds missing fields to AR if you have updated from an old version