Tenant Profile


Recurring Charges

Fields Speed Buttons Negative Charge


Any charge or credit can be scheduled for automatic posting when the Recurring Charge function is run. An example is trash collection charges paid quarterly. This is not for rent. Rent is handled separately thru the information on the Lease tab. It can be used for a Rent Credit or concession.


To delete a recurring charge line item click into the line item and press <Ctrl><Delete>.


Type in the Charge ID code or select it from the Find List. Charge ID’s are created in Setup, Charges.


This is a numeric field. Enter either the amount of the charge or the amount and square footage. Enter a negative amount if this is a recurring credit.

Per Square Foot

Put an X in this check box if the charge amount is to be calculated based on the square footage as defined in the unit profile.


Enter any memo you wish posted with the charge. The memo appears on the owner and tenant statements.


Select the schedule from the Find List. This will determine the recurring charge frequency.

Next Scheduled

Use this date field to enter the date of the next scheduled charge. If a date in the future is chosen, no charge will be posted until that date is within the Scheduled Through date when the charges are compiled. When a charge is posted, the date will be changed to the next scheduled charge date based on the schedule.


Example: If the Next Scheduled date is March 15 before the charges are posted, and the Frequency is monthly, then the Next Scheduled date after posting will be April 15.

Schedule Expires

Use this date field to enter the date the recurring charge should expire. Recurring charges will not be posted after this date. When the Schedule Expires date falls within the Scheduled Through date, the Next Scheduled date is updated per the Schedule and the Schedule is changed to Expired.

Negative Recurring Charge

A recurring charge will accept a negative amount. When Recurring charges are processed, an Adjust Open Credits transaction will be posted. The owner or management group will be debited for the Account Code the charge points to and the tenant will receive open credits in that amount.

This feature can be used to credit the tenant on a recurring schedule and to record transactions such as rent concessions.