Environment Options


Display Options   Dates   Local Directory   Log-on


See the How to PDF document #760 on this function in Setup.


This function lets you define how fields are displayed, what the default posting dates are, and what happens during log-on. Choices in the Options section will increase over time to allow the user to customize different aspects of the application.


There are three tabs of information.

Display Options




Options - Display Options

Show Backdrop

The application installs so that the Main Menu is superimposed over the top of the Windows desktop, with the desktop visible behind. If you prefer a backdrop instead of the desktop, choose <Setup, Environment Options>, mark the Show Backdrop checkbox and Save. This option is specific to the computer on which it is set.

Show Hints

These are the field and icon hints that display when you move the mouse cursor over a field or icon. They are very useful for someone learning the application but the experienced user may find them unnecessary.

Detached Speedbar

Not applicable to Version 12.

Color Selections

Many users prefer different color schemes, finding some pleasing and others annoying. Depending on your preferences, you may have set the Windows color scheme to some combination that makes this application display less pleasing than you desire. On a single screen there can be fields that are guarded, protected, with line items that can be edited. The color and shading can affect the comfort level of use.


For example, when looking at a list of line items like tenants who are late fee candidates, you can choose one to review by clicking on it to edit. This causes the information on the line to be supplemented with additional information to help you decide on a course of action. When this happens you want a background, foreground color scheme that focuses on this item while muting the others. Thus one reason for giving you the option of choosing colors.


Fields that are not normally changed after they are entered (e.g. Record ID short and long description).


Fields that cannot be changed (e.g. city and state associated with a zip code and information fields like owner or tenant balance).

Grid Display

The color of the fields of a line item in view mode.

Grid Edit

The background color for a line item in edit mode.

To change colors:

Click on the label (Guarded Color) and select from the palette, then click OK. The color scheme you choose will be for your computer only. Each user can select their own combination of colors.


Options - Dates

When you initialize the application the processing date defaults are set based on the system date. You can change any of the dates for the current session only.

Posting Date

This date field contains the default date for every posting screen. Every transaction is tagged with the posting date and all reports and statements are sensitive to it.


Note: You don’t need to set a temporary posting date unless you want the posting date on all functions to be that date. When posting receipts (and other functions) the date chosen on the selection screen stays same as long as you use the New button to post.


The other dates are default start dates that are entered in the Owner and Tenant profiles when new profiles are created. An example of when you might change these is during startup when entering profiles in November for activation in January. The start dates would be set to January to cause those dates to be inserted in the profiles.

Lease Start

Rent Schedule Start

Check Schedule Start

Distribution Schedule Start

Statement Schedule Start


Marking the Use Memo for Check Numbers on Receipts checkbox will cause the memo field on tenant receipts to have the tenant’s name followed by "Check #". This memo carries through to the General Ledger and a number of reports and statements.


Options - Logon

Logon Options

You can have the Event Reminders display each time you log-on. You can look at them any time by clicking the Events icon on the Profile folder.


Windows Options

Allow Multiple Program Instances

If checked, you can run more than one copy of the program on a computer.

Use Default Local Directory

When marked, the local directory is set to the Windows operating system default location. Unmarking this checkbox will allow the user to designate the local directory in Setup, Local Directory.


The changes we made to the default local directory may cause errors when running reports. The error "string too long" or "Report Engine Error 534" or "File Name is Too Long for a Paradox Version 5.0 Table" indicate that the path for the local directory is too long. To change it, go to File, Local Directory and move the path up one level at a time until the error goes away. An alternative is to point the Local Directory to C:\RPROMAS\Temp.


Caution: If you are on a network, your network administrator should be consulted before making any changes.