Tenant Profile


Responsible Tenant


See Help PDF document #384 Multiple Tenants in One Unit


Do a <Shift><Backspace> to clear this field. Do not select the tenant whose profile you are in as the responsible tenant.


Entering another tenant’s name in this field will cause the tenant statement for this tenant to be printed with the tenant statement for that (responsible) tenant.

Post to Responsible Tenant

Marking this checkbox will cause this tenant’s transactions to be posted to the responsible tenant’s ledger. In tenant history, choosing either tenant will display all transactions posted in either tenant’s name.


Before entering a responsible tenant in the field and marking the checkbox, be sure there are no outstanding charges against the non-responsible tenant. Once you assign him a responsible tenant and mark "Post to Responsible Tenant," transactions posted to him will not be seen in Tenant History. Only use this for tenants in the same unit or the same tenant is leasing multiple units from the same owner.

To see the transactions for the non-responsible tenant while in Tenant History, unmark the Show for Responsible checkbox..


Also be aware that any rent amount entered on the Lease tab for the responsible and for the non-responsible tenant will post to the responsible tenant when AR, Scheduled Receivables, Rent is run. Normally you would put the whole rent amount in the responsible tenant’s profile and leave that field blank in the other profiles.

Choosing a responsible tenant

All tenants appear on the drop down list for Responsible Tenant. Be careful when choosing the tenant. If you want the drop down list to display only those tenants who are assigned to the same unit, go to Setup, Processing Defaults, RPM and enter "/RTList" in the Customized Programming Options field.


This feature is useful when:

there are multiple renters in a unit and

you want their statements to print together

you want all the transactions posted to one tenant’s history to be merged with the responsible tenant’s history

each tenant makes a rent payment but not always in the same amount

there is one tenant in a unit and

Tenant is renting more than one unit from same owner - set up two unit profiles and two tenant profiles – make one of the tenant’s responsible to the other and mark the "Post to Responsible Tenant" checkbox. This will allow the tenant to make one payment covering both leases.

This feature was not designed to keep information about a spouse or a roommate that is not involved in making payments. In this circumstance you can set up the spouse/roommate as a tenant in the unit with no rent amount or use the Legal Tenant field. Do not enter anything into the responsible tenant field.


When not to use:

  One tenant renting more than one unit from different owners

  More than one tenant in the same unit with only one of the tenants making payments


While the responsible tenant feature is very powerful, it is also potentially dangerous if you make a tenant post to a responsible tenant whose unit is owned by another owner. Charges posted to that tenant will be paid off to the responsible tenant’s owner.