Tenant Profile


Lease Dates


These fields establish the type of lease, the starting and ending dates of the lease, and the dates when the tenant moved in and moved out.

Lease Type

Lease types are closed, open or month-to-month. All types can have starting and ending dates. The types and dates are for reporting purposes only. A closed lease has both a starting and ending date. An open lease has a starting date but no ending date. A month-to-month has neither a starting nor an ending date.

Lease Starts

This date field contains the date the lease started. This date is used to determine first month’s rent and for reporting purposes. It will affect taking a leasing fee thru Pro-rated Rent or Scheduled Receivables, Management Fees. Clicking on the DATE button will bring up the calendar.

Lease Expires

This date field contains the date the lease expires. This generates an event reminder and is used for reporting purposes. It has no effect on charging rent.

Move In

This date field is for the date of the actual move in. It is used for reporting purposes only. It has no effect on charging rent.

Notice Given

The date the tenant notifies management of intent to not renew the lease. Used for reporting and tracking.

Move Out

This date field is for the date of the actual move out. It generates an event reminder and is used for reporting purposes. It has no effect on charging rent.