Distributing the Payment Received


See Also Handling Prepayments Open Credits

Rent and Security Deposit in Same Check



Select <<AR, Tenant Receipt>>.


Select the [Tenant] from the Find List. Selecting the tenant will fill in the [Unit], the [Bank] from the Posting Table, a unique receipt number, information from the [Tenant-Payment Note] field, the list of unpaid charges. The amount defaults to the amount owed in the [Payment] field and the amount owed is put in the [Apply to Charge/Amount] field.


The [Memo] field can be used to record the check number or other information pertaining to the payment. Double clicking in the memo field will insert the text "check #" so you can add the actual number on the check. Double clicking on the word "Memo" will enter the tenant name in the memo field. See Tenant Receipt Memo for more options.


Compare the amount received to the amount in the payment field and make adjustments if necessary -- see below.


Clicking the <Print> button will produce a receipt that can be given to the tenant.


Clicking the <New> button will record the payment and present you with a blank screen to enter another receipt. Clicking the <Post> button will record the payment and take you out of <<Tenant Receipts>>.


Clicking the <Deposit Receipts> speed button when you are finished with all payments going on a deposit slip will take you to <<GL, Deposit Receipts>> to enter the deposit amount.

Payment is less than the amount owed


Enter the amount received in the [Payment] field. Press the <Tab> key.


The payment amount will be distributed against the unpaid charges per their payoff priority.


Should you want to distribute differently or pay off charges not yet recorded, see below


If the payoff distribution is correct, click <Post>

Distribute differently


Click the [Distribute] checkbox so it is blank. This clears the amount fields in the charge line items.


Enter the amounts against each charge until you use up the amount of the payment.

Hints for entering amounts in the charge line items

Double click in the amount field in the total amount of the charge

Marking line items as skipped and then clicking distribution on will reallocate against any unskipped line items

When the allocation of the payment amount is as you want it - Click <Post>

Payment received for charges not yet recorded


Go to the New Charges tab


Select the [Charge] code in the from the drop down list


Enter the [Amount] of the charge

Another charge can be entered by clicking in the open area below the charge line


Click on <Post> when the allocation of the payment amount is as you want it

Payment is more than unpaid charges


Enter the amount received in the [Payment] field. Press the <Tab> key


Follow the procedure above for new charges if appropriate


The undistributed portion of the payment received will go to Open credits.

Distribution Options

If the amount received is different from the Current Charges Owed, enter that amount in the Payment field.

Note: to clear the payment field either double click it or do <Shift><Backspace>.


If the Distribute box is checked CKBOX2, the amount received will be distributed by priority and date. If this is the way you want to distribute the payment you can proceed.


If the Distribute box is not checked CKBOX1, the amount received will not be distributed, the Apply to Charge amount fields will be cleared and the Payment amount will be added to the Final Open Credits. You can then enter the amount to apply against each charge. The Final Open Credits will track how you stand versus the payment.